star acre farms RECIPE
Becky Scharfenberg (pictured) has lived in Arvada for 20 years. As an integral part of Star Acre Farms from the very beginning, she's worked every area of the farm—now leading its efforts as head farmer.
Becky has 6 daughters and 8 grandkids; many of whom help out frequently at the farm, markets and stands, and other events. As a huge advocate for local agriculture, she is a valued community resource on all things preparing and preserving fresh farm food. Star Acre Farms is lucky to have scores of citizen farmers, volunteers, and other folks who dedicate themselves to helping plant, harvest, sell, and share produce. While there are so many who deserve thanks, special mentions go out to Tuesday, Jim, Jean, Beth, Trinity, Paige, Dustin, Matt, Kathy, and Donna. Thank you for helping this farm succeed and serve the community we love. It takes a village to raise a farm! In addition to farming, Becky cares for backyard chickens whose eggs you'll find at farm stands and other events. She has an assortment of heritage breeds including Ameracaunas, Buff Orpingtons, California Whites, Cuckoo Marans, and Rhode Island Reds. Not only do most of them have names but distinctive personalities as well! We hope to see you at one of our events or during a volunteer day. If you have any questions or would like to get involved with Star Acre Farms, drop us a line on our contact page. |